Friday, December 19, 2008
Happy Holidays!!!
Hey everyone,
We have been working hard over here on a new project that will be unveiled soon. It is a secret so I won't tell.
But hopefully soon enough I can share all the details with you.
Till then have a happy holiday and enjoy a classic clip that we made last year wishing everyone a happy holiday.
Leave a comment below and let me know what you are doing for the holidays and any fun puppet news you may know of.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Puppets for sale!!!
All of these puppets need loving and caring homes. Please come by the Joy Street Open Studios and adopt them. Nov.22nd and 23rd 12-6pm #52
See you there.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Open Studios

Hey everyone,
We have a bunch of puppets for sale and will be at Joy Street Open Studios in Somerville. Stop by on either Nov. 22nd or 23rd from 12-6pm. I will be in studio #52 so stop by and buy a puppet for someone for the upcoming holiday or for yourself or just stop by and say "Hi."
Once again
Joy Street Open Studios
Nov. 22nd and 23rd
more info here---->
christmas presents,
for sale,
joy street,
nov 22nd and 23rd,
open studios,
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Stuff has been extremely busy here.
First off I have been working on puppets for a top secret project that is all I can say about it.
Next I am getting married on Oct. 11th so we are getting the last minute details taken care of.
Also be sure to pay attention to the blog through november for profiles of some of the puppets that will be for sale at Joy Street Open Studios.
Well back to work.
First off I have been working on puppets for a top secret project that is all I can say about it.
Next I am getting married on Oct. 11th so we are getting the last minute details taken care of.
Also be sure to pay attention to the blog through november for profiles of some of the puppets that will be for sale at Joy Street Open Studios.
Well back to work.
open studios,
top secret,
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Public Performance
Hey everyone,
We have been extremely busy here. We have been building puppets, performing at birthday parites, and working on our new stage show that will be debuting in the spring.
I would like to let you all know that you can see us this Saturday the 20th at Macy's in Hanover at the mall between 12-4. So come on by we will be doing little sketches and peformances during that time frame.
Also in November we will be participating in the open studios at Joy Street we will have a ton of puppets for sale and will be a great opprotunity to get some gifts for Christmas.
We have been extremely busy here. We have been building puppets, performing at birthday parites, and working on our new stage show that will be debuting in the spring.
I would like to let you all know that you can see us this Saturday the 20th at Macy's in Hanover at the mall between 12-4. So come on by we will be doing little sketches and peformances during that time frame.
Also in November we will be participating in the open studios at Joy Street we will have a ton of puppets for sale and will be a great opprotunity to get some gifts for Christmas.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
buy this mug
buy unique gifts at Zazzle
Hey everyone,
If you like Little's Creatures feel free to pick up this mug. We will be adding lots of cool swag in the weeks to come. So check back
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Puppets as decoration?
So check this out. I have branched my puppets into a whole new line of work. They now are not just fun tools for imagination but they are also now apparently a cool avant garde art up there with paintings. A designer approached me about having my puppets be a decoration in a house that she had designed. She said they were perfect for what she was doing. So I brought over a bunch of puppets for her and she picked out the colors she wanted and boom they are now artwork like an oil painting I love it. Hopefully this will catch on and we will all be making puppets for decoration as well as for use as puppets.Well go to this site and you see our puppets in one of the pictures. Let me know your thoughts.
Friday, July 25, 2008
A video of us that I didn't know existed
Hey I found this video online. I had no clue it even existed. This is from a puppet slam so some stuff may be unsuitable for younger viewers. For everyone else watch it and enjoy.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Regional puppet festival in Maryland
So we just got back from an amazing weekend in Maryland. The regional puppet festival for the Northeast and Mid-atlantic regions was held at the University of Maryland. The weekend was packed full of performances, workshops, and tons of puppet goodness. This was our first festival and I would highly recommend it to everyone. I will do my best to try and recall all the names and expericences of the weekend for anyone who did not go.
We could not attend Thursday nights opening ceremony due to our flight coming in Friday morning but here is what happened on Thursday. Tom Knight Productions performed Library Boogie. The show is a vibrant collection of original songs and skits. Library Boogie is a living Library of songs and skits related to books and reading. It includes Characters from Classic Children's Books like the Very Hungry Caterpillar and Where the Wild Things Are plus the title song "The Library Boogie". That night Frogtown Mountain Puppeteers performed the Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow. This tale is a comedic version of the classic Washington Irving tale, "the legend of Sleepy Hollow. Based Loosely on the original story, this telling involves a bumbling Headless Horseman, his wisecracking horse, the meat-head Brom Bones, the lovely Katrina Van Tassel, and the mild mannered and lovable protagonist, Ichabod Crane. There was also a film shown Titled Faust by the Metropolitan Puppet Authority a "puppenFilm" about the Alchemist who sold out to the dark side. The concept was to recreate the Show Goethe saw on the streets of Frankfurt. But while becoming engrossed in the subject for nearly 13 years; Steven Ritz-Barr ended up producing a film based not only on those early puppet versions but a version inspired by Goethe's own Faust part one.
So now this is where we came in we arrived early Friday morning to the Puppet Festival. The campus was enormous. We eventually found the dorm and the puppet festival office to check in with and get all our information. We then went to a class taught by Ingrid Crepau on puppet basics of Voice and Manipulation. This was fun we had never actually taken a class on lip synch or even voice training. The info was definately geared toward beginners but it was info everyone could use. Including a special recipe for fixing your voice.
Recipe for Ingrid's Fix a Flat voice repair:
Take 3 whole lemons and juice them
then add 2 Tbs Honey
and 1 Tbs apple cider
We then went on off to find the dining hall. It was your basic cafeteria dining experience. However the time spent in the dining halls was great. We were able to connect with many other puppeteers and learn all sorts of ins and out of the puppet world as well as creating some good friends. We then all hopped on a bus after lunch to go to Glen Echo Park. We saw to perfomances while we were there the first one was The Tragical Comedy of Punch and Judy performed by Fred Greenspan. Fred had a great show that he combined the many traditional Punch and Judy shows together to get a a story that flowed. His puppets are based off of a beautiful nineteeth century european set. His show included the crocodile, the clown, policman, pretty pauly, Punch and Judy(of Course), Little baby punch, the devil and so on. There was no stick but he said he replaced it with "Shtick" there were many awesomely bad puns throughout the show. Even though there was not stick he did grind a lot of people and things into "Squashages" We then had some time to look at the beautifully carved and very well preserved Carousel it had an amazing level of craftsman ship. We then went into see The Wizard Of Oz production by The Puppet Company. This show based it self of the actual book by L. Frank Baum. There was just about everything in this show the had marionettes, Rod puppets, humanettes, live actors, full body puppets, and more. They did a beautiful job of bringing this story together with a huge cast of characters. This production was really well done all around with good writing, good jokes, charcater design, and even voice matching the characters. I felt as though I was almost watchin a completely different story since I was so familiar with movie version. This was top notch and if you are in the area go check it out. After an award ceremony where several people were recognized with UNIMA awards. We then all filed on to the busses and headed back to the University. When we all arrived we ate dinner and then proceeded on to the evening shows. The evening performances continued to show the diversity of puppet world. The first performance of the evening was Vegetables Destiny a new work from Goat on a Boat performed by Liz Joyce and Juliana Nash. The show was performed using table top, hand and rod puppets. This performance told us the story of a vegetable from beginning to end with 10 amazing original songs written by Liz Joyce and Juliana Nash. The song were extremely catch and fun to listen to. They even had a song of poop and fertilizer(hilarious). Throughout the production the stage started as basically a brown box(Dirt) and throughout the production we watched the garden grow and flourish as it became a thriving garden full of vegetables. The Second evening performance was OM: Objects in Motion this was an innovative and brilliant performance combining both live dancers and obects puppets together into well put together and coreographed segments. The puppets were made from a wide assortment of materials including recyling plastic bags, butcher paper, aluminum foil, industrial foam. Each piece had a very nice progression with a clear beginning, middle, and an end. This show was directed by Colette Searls, choreographed by Doug Hamby. We then proceeded off to the after party and had more time to get to know everyone and create some more bonds with our new extended family.
Saturday morning came to soon. We got up and rushed off to breakfast and then headed off to to the meet the artist session. This artist session was all the artists from the previous day it was really interesting to hear where the ideas came from and the creative process of the work. We then headed off to Part 1 of Steven Ritz-Barr's workshop Puppets in Film and Video. He gave a great presentation and spoke a lot about the ins and out of the film and video world. Steven also spoke about the work he has been involved in and gave us some behind the scenes info about his 30 min film Faust. After the workshop it was back to the dining hall for lunch and then before I knew it I was back in a theater again waiting for The Last Dragon on Earth to begin being performed by Crabgrass Puppet Theater. This was a great story from a time when the princes needed to kill the dragon before they could married a princess. But what if the princess doesn't need rescuing, the dragon is the last dragon, and the prince would not kill anything never mind a dragon. The show featured pop-up and pop-out scenery that made for some great transitions in the show. All in all another great performance with the use of hand puppets. We then all shuffled over to the other theater to see Travelin' Jack performed by Christopher Hubert, Applause Unlimited. This was three american folk-tales told with hand puppets by a single puppeteer who serves as both narrator and character in the show. Based on a Jack tale, a slave story song, and a morality tale, these stories reflect the depth, scope, and humor of early american storytelling. This show was very entertaining and had everyone giggling and laughing throughout truly a great show. Shortly after Deborah Costine took the stage with Woodland Cinderella. In this new version of the classic story, Cinderella is a fairy who lives with her stepmother and Stepsister in an enormous old Oak Tree. The king of all woodland fairies wants his son to marry a fariy princess but none can be found. So the king hosts, a great ball and commands that every single fairy maiden in the land must attend. Deborah put on a great production for everyone and it was nice to see a fellow guild member perform and represent Boston. We then all headed to dinner by this time my head was packed with puppet ideas and the shows we had seen. I couldn't believe there was more to see. After dinner Nana Projects performed Luna and Danny the Diver. This was a shadow piece using three projectors and three puppeteers. They used a combination of techniques including a fade on the projector, colored gels, and stunning cut outs. The first story was the Danny the Diver and his rescue of a mermaid from the evil octupus to kidnaps her. The second story was Luna based on a Grims fairy tale. There was no spoken lines throughout the perfomance just written and incorporated into the visual. There was a great score written for the production by Anne Watts & Boister. They also recieved a Henson Grant to put this production together. There was then a quick intermission and Larry Hunt's Masque Theatre took the stage with a premiere of Blues, Blues. Normally I am not a huge fan of Maque theater but I think Larry showed that it just has to be done right. Larry and his assistant both did excellent work with great body movement and control. They interacted with the audience had a great use of props and overall a great show. They incorporated some hand puppets as well in the performance. after this concluded they moved into a puppet potpourri followed by a puppet slam. There were some good performances throught the potpouri. The moment I dreaded was approaching very swiftly now. We have performed several times in Boston but not for a crowd like this. This crowd was full of puppeteers everyone in the audience understood lip synch, eye focus, body movement, everything. Well we gathered up enough nerve to get out there and perform and luckily we got some big laughs and some really great feed back afterwards during the after party. We partied away during the night after the slam drank beer and wine, sang around guitars and saxophones, and laughed and laughed with our new extended family. At this point I couldn't believe there was still another day of activities.
Sunday we woke up ate breakfast and headed off to the second half of the workshop with Steven Ritz-Barr. There was some real fun moments doing some hands on stuff with what he will be doing for his next film. We then had a little bit of time to pack up our stuff and head over for the final production. Dinosaur Desperados by Dinorock Productions. This was no small show they had a huge set and even bigger dinosaurs all of the production took place in the old, old west. This production was just crazy it included a huge T-Rex, walk around dinosaur costumes, baby eggs on a remote switches, the music was top notch and they had actually been nominated for a grammy. They involved the audience as much as possible including bringing people on stage to tell the little baby T-rex why he should go back to his mom. After the show we said a bunch of good byes to people and then headed back to the airport to head home. To bad the airport didn't want to let us go since our flight was delayed about 6 hours. I finally returned home around 5am the next day and got some seriously needed sleep.
We could not attend Thursday nights opening ceremony due to our flight coming in Friday morning but here is what happened on Thursday. Tom Knight Productions performed Library Boogie. The show is a vibrant collection of original songs and skits. Library Boogie is a living Library of songs and skits related to books and reading. It includes Characters from Classic Children's Books like the Very Hungry Caterpillar and Where the Wild Things Are plus the title song "The Library Boogie". That night Frogtown Mountain Puppeteers performed the Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow. This tale is a comedic version of the classic Washington Irving tale, "the legend of Sleepy Hollow. Based Loosely on the original story, this telling involves a bumbling Headless Horseman, his wisecracking horse, the meat-head Brom Bones, the lovely Katrina Van Tassel, and the mild mannered and lovable protagonist, Ichabod Crane. There was also a film shown Titled Faust by the Metropolitan Puppet Authority a "puppenFilm" about the Alchemist who sold out to the dark side. The concept was to recreate the Show Goethe saw on the streets of Frankfurt. But while becoming engrossed in the subject for nearly 13 years; Steven Ritz-Barr ended up producing a film based not only on those early puppet versions but a version inspired by Goethe's own Faust part one.
So now this is where we came in we arrived early Friday morning to the Puppet Festival. The campus was enormous. We eventually found the dorm and the puppet festival office to check in with and get all our information. We then went to a class taught by Ingrid Crepau on puppet basics of Voice and Manipulation. This was fun we had never actually taken a class on lip synch or even voice training. The info was definately geared toward beginners but it was info everyone could use. Including a special recipe for fixing your voice.
Recipe for Ingrid's Fix a Flat voice repair:
Take 3 whole lemons and juice them
then add 2 Tbs Honey
and 1 Tbs apple cider
We then went on off to find the dining hall. It was your basic cafeteria dining experience. However the time spent in the dining halls was great. We were able to connect with many other puppeteers and learn all sorts of ins and out of the puppet world as well as creating some good friends. We then all hopped on a bus after lunch to go to Glen Echo Park. We saw to perfomances while we were there the first one was The Tragical Comedy of Punch and Judy performed by Fred Greenspan. Fred had a great show that he combined the many traditional Punch and Judy shows together to get a a story that flowed. His puppets are based off of a beautiful nineteeth century european set. His show included the crocodile, the clown, policman, pretty pauly, Punch and Judy(of Course), Little baby punch, the devil and so on. There was no stick but he said he replaced it with "Shtick" there were many awesomely bad puns throughout the show. Even though there was not stick he did grind a lot of people and things into "Squashages" We then had some time to look at the beautifully carved and very well preserved Carousel it had an amazing level of craftsman ship. We then went into see The Wizard Of Oz production by The Puppet Company. This show based it self of the actual book by L. Frank Baum. There was just about everything in this show the had marionettes, Rod puppets, humanettes, live actors, full body puppets, and more. They did a beautiful job of bringing this story together with a huge cast of characters. This production was really well done all around with good writing, good jokes, charcater design, and even voice matching the characters. I felt as though I was almost watchin a completely different story since I was so familiar with movie version. This was top notch and if you are in the area go check it out. After an award ceremony where several people were recognized with UNIMA awards. We then all filed on to the busses and headed back to the University. When we all arrived we ate dinner and then proceeded on to the evening shows. The evening performances continued to show the diversity of puppet world. The first performance of the evening was Vegetables Destiny a new work from Goat on a Boat performed by Liz Joyce and Juliana Nash. The show was performed using table top, hand and rod puppets. This performance told us the story of a vegetable from beginning to end with 10 amazing original songs written by Liz Joyce and Juliana Nash. The song were extremely catch and fun to listen to. They even had a song of poop and fertilizer(hilarious). Throughout the production the stage started as basically a brown box(Dirt) and throughout the production we watched the garden grow and flourish as it became a thriving garden full of vegetables. The Second evening performance was OM: Objects in Motion this was an innovative and brilliant performance combining both live dancers and obects puppets together into well put together and coreographed segments. The puppets were made from a wide assortment of materials including recyling plastic bags, butcher paper, aluminum foil, industrial foam. Each piece had a very nice progression with a clear beginning, middle, and an end. This show was directed by Colette Searls, choreographed by Doug Hamby. We then proceeded off to the after party and had more time to get to know everyone and create some more bonds with our new extended family.
Saturday morning came to soon. We got up and rushed off to breakfast and then headed off to to the meet the artist session. This artist session was all the artists from the previous day it was really interesting to hear where the ideas came from and the creative process of the work. We then headed off to Part 1 of Steven Ritz-Barr's workshop Puppets in Film and Video. He gave a great presentation and spoke a lot about the ins and out of the film and video world. Steven also spoke about the work he has been involved in and gave us some behind the scenes info about his 30 min film Faust. After the workshop it was back to the dining hall for lunch and then before I knew it I was back in a theater again waiting for The Last Dragon on Earth to begin being performed by Crabgrass Puppet Theater. This was a great story from a time when the princes needed to kill the dragon before they could married a princess. But what if the princess doesn't need rescuing, the dragon is the last dragon, and the prince would not kill anything never mind a dragon. The show featured pop-up and pop-out scenery that made for some great transitions in the show. All in all another great performance with the use of hand puppets. We then all shuffled over to the other theater to see Travelin' Jack performed by Christopher Hubert, Applause Unlimited. This was three american folk-tales told with hand puppets by a single puppeteer who serves as both narrator and character in the show. Based on a Jack tale, a slave story song, and a morality tale, these stories reflect the depth, scope, and humor of early american storytelling. This show was very entertaining and had everyone giggling and laughing throughout truly a great show. Shortly after Deborah Costine took the stage with Woodland Cinderella. In this new version of the classic story, Cinderella is a fairy who lives with her stepmother and Stepsister in an enormous old Oak Tree. The king of all woodland fairies wants his son to marry a fariy princess but none can be found. So the king hosts, a great ball and commands that every single fairy maiden in the land must attend. Deborah put on a great production for everyone and it was nice to see a fellow guild member perform and represent Boston. We then all headed to dinner by this time my head was packed with puppet ideas and the shows we had seen. I couldn't believe there was more to see. After dinner Nana Projects performed Luna and Danny the Diver. This was a shadow piece using three projectors and three puppeteers. They used a combination of techniques including a fade on the projector, colored gels, and stunning cut outs. The first story was the Danny the Diver and his rescue of a mermaid from the evil octupus to kidnaps her. The second story was Luna based on a Grims fairy tale. There was no spoken lines throughout the perfomance just written and incorporated into the visual. There was a great score written for the production by Anne Watts & Boister. They also recieved a Henson Grant to put this production together. There was then a quick intermission and Larry Hunt's Masque Theatre took the stage with a premiere of Blues, Blues. Normally I am not a huge fan of Maque theater but I think Larry showed that it just has to be done right. Larry and his assistant both did excellent work with great body movement and control. They interacted with the audience had a great use of props and overall a great show. They incorporated some hand puppets as well in the performance. after this concluded they moved into a puppet potpourri followed by a puppet slam. There were some good performances throught the potpouri. The moment I dreaded was approaching very swiftly now. We have performed several times in Boston but not for a crowd like this. This crowd was full of puppeteers everyone in the audience understood lip synch, eye focus, body movement, everything. Well we gathered up enough nerve to get out there and perform and luckily we got some big laughs and some really great feed back afterwards during the after party. We partied away during the night after the slam drank beer and wine, sang around guitars and saxophones, and laughed and laughed with our new extended family. At this point I couldn't believe there was still another day of activities.
Sunday we woke up ate breakfast and headed off to the second half of the workshop with Steven Ritz-Barr. There was some real fun moments doing some hands on stuff with what he will be doing for his next film. We then had a little bit of time to pack up our stuff and head over for the final production. Dinosaur Desperados by Dinorock Productions. This was no small show they had a huge set and even bigger dinosaurs all of the production took place in the old, old west. This production was just crazy it included a huge T-Rex, walk around dinosaur costumes, baby eggs on a remote switches, the music was top notch and they had actually been nominated for a grammy. They involved the audience as much as possible including bringing people on stage to tell the little baby T-rex why he should go back to his mom. After the show we said a bunch of good byes to people and then headed back to the airport to head home. To bad the airport didn't want to let us go since our flight was delayed about 6 hours. I finally returned home around 5am the next day and got some seriously needed sleep.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Little's Creatures Contest
Hey everyone,
we are looking for a really great logo that represents what we do. So if you like making logos check out this thread
and maybe we will pick yours for the grand prize.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Celtics WIN!!!!
Woo Hoo!!! Boston is a basketball town once again. This also means I can finally sleep again.
Hopefully we can defend the title next year =)
Hopefully we can defend the title next year =)
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Frogtown Mountain Puppeteers
I hope everyone enjoyed their memorial day weekend. We spent a bunch of ours out and about at BBQ's and enjoying the weather. We also got the opprotunity to see the Frogtown Mountain Puppeteers at the Brookline Puppet Showplace theater. The Frogtown Mountain Puppeteers are based up in Bar Harbor, Maine and consist of three siblings Erik, Brian, and Robin Torbeck. They performed their original piece titled "everyone loves pirates".
The performance was all done with mouth and rod style puppets. The story based around two little kids that went fishing and ended up catching a treasure map. The children decide to go for the treasure but little do they know the are being chased by three fearsome pirates. This story is an amazing tale for both children and adults. The characters are all well defined and the story is jam packed with hilarious situations, great puns, and fun for the whole family. My personal favorites are Lobster Boy and the Jet Ski Guy who refers to everyone as "guy". Well if you hear that Frogtown Mountain Puppeteers are performing near you it is worth every penny to go.
After the Perfomance we saw, we sat and chatted with the Torbecks for a while exchanging puppet stories, building tips, and chatted for a while about their stage show. They invited us to come back the next day and watch the show again from behind the curtain. We couldn't pass up that opprotunity. Stephen and myself watched the show a second time from behind the curtain. In my opinion I wish I could watch all shows that way. The did some very innovative things in their show to make it all work and the transitions from one scene to the next are seemless. When you go to watch the show there is a great moment that we couldn't figure out till we were backstage. In the production after the kids dig up the treasure there is a scene with the two children and the three pirates and some how they grow and extra hand to be able to carry the treasure away. We found out how they did this but we'll never tell.
All in all some great people all around and if you get the chance please go and see their show. Well we are excited about seeing them again and the regional puppet festival in July.
For More info on Frogtown Mountain Puppeteers go to
The performance was all done with mouth and rod style puppets. The story based around two little kids that went fishing and ended up catching a treasure map. The children decide to go for the treasure but little do they know the are being chased by three fearsome pirates. This story is an amazing tale for both children and adults. The characters are all well defined and the story is jam packed with hilarious situations, great puns, and fun for the whole family. My personal favorites are Lobster Boy and the Jet Ski Guy who refers to everyone as "guy". Well if you hear that Frogtown Mountain Puppeteers are performing near you it is worth every penny to go.
After the Perfomance we saw, we sat and chatted with the Torbecks for a while exchanging puppet stories, building tips, and chatted for a while about their stage show. They invited us to come back the next day and watch the show again from behind the curtain. We couldn't pass up that opprotunity. Stephen and myself watched the show a second time from behind the curtain. In my opinion I wish I could watch all shows that way. The did some very innovative things in their show to make it all work and the transitions from one scene to the next are seemless. When you go to watch the show there is a great moment that we couldn't figure out till we were backstage. In the production after the kids dig up the treasure there is a scene with the two children and the three pirates and some how they grow and extra hand to be able to carry the treasure away. We found out how they did this but we'll never tell.
All in all some great people all around and if you get the chance please go and see their show. Well we are excited about seeing them again and the regional puppet festival in July.
For More info on Frogtown Mountain Puppeteers go to
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Could this change the world of puppet design
There is a new game coming out called Spore. The thing that really interests me in this game is not the actual game but the creature generator. You have the ability to completely design a creature in any shape or form and color.
Now for how this could impact us. This enables us all to have a quick and dirty 3d puppet creator. This could make all of our lives easier without having to redraw images we could use this game to completely resculpt the creature with a quick mouse click. I was doing a little searching around and I have seen a demo where they created a Carebear and stuff that looks like it is from the alien movie. So I'm sure with a little creativity this game could be a huge asset to all of us puppet builders.
TO see a little bit of the program in action check this link.
Now for how this could impact us. This enables us all to have a quick and dirty 3d puppet creator. This could make all of our lives easier without having to redraw images we could use this game to completely resculpt the creature with a quick mouse click. I was doing a little searching around and I have seen a demo where they created a Carebear and stuff that looks like it is from the alien movie. So I'm sure with a little creativity this game could be a huge asset to all of us puppet builders.
TO see a little bit of the program in action check this link.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Puppet Slam
Thanks to everyone that came to the puppet slam last Saturday. It was a fun show and appreciate you all showing up.
The next slam will be in the fall so be sure to check back to find out exactly when.
The next slam will be in the fall so be sure to check back to find out exactly when.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Performance May 10th
We are once again performing at the Brookline Puppet Showplace Theater. This Saturday May10th there will be the last of the seasons Adult puppet slams till next fall. If you would like to come and see us perform this would be a great chance to do just that. I highly reccommend calling ahead due to the usual soldout performances.
If you would like to reserve tickets for the performance call 617 731 6400
Hope to see you all there
If you would like to reserve tickets for the performance call 617 731 6400
Hope to see you all there
Monday, May 5, 2008
Somerville Open Studios(UPDATE)
Huge thank you to everyone who stopped by and said hello during open studios. You all really made it an amazing weekend. Please feel free to drop us an email with any ideas or puppets you may need.
If you would like to see more of us please stop by the adult puppet slam this saturday at 8pm. Be aware the shows sell out early so call ahead to reserve your tickets. If you want more info go the Brookline Puppet Showplace Theater website.
Thanks again for the great weekend. We miss all the little puppets already but, we are sure they went to a good home.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Somerville Open Studios
May 3rd and 4th will be open studios in Somerville,MA. The hours of open studios are from noon to 6pm both days. So come on by to 82 Columbus Ave Somerville, MA and pick up our new DVD or grab a fabulous handmade puppet.
Hope to see you this weekend.
Hope to see you this weekend.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Debut DvD and Somerville Open Studios
Hey Everyone,
So we have finished our first DvD. It has 12 fun filled sketches for the adult that still wants to be a kid. I personally hand drew each label for the DvD. If you want to get a copy of the DvD keep reading for how to get a copy.
May 3rd and 4th come on by and pick up a copy of our debut DvD only $10. There will also be tons of puppets for sale. Open studios runs from 12-6 both days. We are located at 82 Columbus Ave. Somerville, MA. For more info check out
Can't wait to meet you.
So we have finished our first DvD. It has 12 fun filled sketches for the adult that still wants to be a kid. I personally hand drew each label for the DvD. If you want to get a copy of the DvD keep reading for how to get a copy.
May 3rd and 4th come on by and pick up a copy of our debut DvD only $10. There will also be tons of puppets for sale. Open studios runs from 12-6 both days. We are located at 82 Columbus Ave. Somerville, MA. For more info check out
Can't wait to meet you.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
National Day of Puppetry
Saturday April 26th from 10-4 at the Brookline Puppet Showplace theater. Come on by and check it out.
For More info:
For More info:
Monday, April 21, 2008
Curious Kitchen T.V. Pilot

Hey Everyone,
We finished a T.V. Pilot this weekend. The show is called the Curious Kitchen. It was a lot of fun to make and we worked with a great crew of actors and a top notch production crew. We did all the puppeteering. Stephen, Chris and Myself put in a long day of being crammed under a counter but it was worth it. Here are some photos check it out.
Friday, April 4, 2008
News News News
Hey everyone,
Lots of stuff coming up in the next couple of weeks.
We will be filming a T.V. Pilot over the next couple weekends. The script is amazing and it should be fantastic.
The national day of puppetry is coming up on April 26th. Stop by the Puppet Showplace theater in Brookline and enjoy all the puppety goodness.
May 3rd and 4th will be open studios for us so if you are in the Somerville area between 12-6 check out our studio and buy a puppet or two.
The last tidbit of news is that we are going to be releasing our very own dvd. It will be available at open studios and then on the web. Keep reading the blog for updates about the dvd.
If you come to any of the events that we will be at please say hi. Stephen and I are really nice and would love to chat with you.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Puppet Slam
Hey Everyone,
Last night we performed in another puppet slam at the Brookline Puppet Showplace Theater.
I love adult puppet slams it is a great opportunity for us to see other puppet performers as well as a chance to see puppeteers who usually only perform for kids and see their adult humor.
Here is a brief review of last night.
The show opened up with The Newport Cultural Enrichment Committee Showcase. Performed by Margaret Moody, Maggie Whalen, And Sparky Davis. This was a very humorous piece with a great sense of humor in regards to censorship and Politically correctness.
Sparky then performed a solo piece titled The Foolish Man. A very comical tale of a little foolish man looking for riches but not aware of the riches under his nose.
Paul Vincent Davis performed Waltz Joke. This was an amazing piece from Paul. He performed this piece of a ballerina dancing. Paul's manipulation of the dancer was wonderful and very delightful and he had a great twist at the end of the piece.
Kathleen Conroy Mukwashi doubled as both host and performer doing an excellent job on both she performed a piece titled Untouchable. She used shadow puppets to tell this emotional story of a person infected with aids. She used many great effects to allow the viewer in a world of dreams and reality.
After the intermission Puppet Master Jake started off the second half of the show with A Feminine Retelling of Judy Strikes Back. This was a great contemporary twist on a Punch and Judy show Including a Devil, Alterna Girl, Punch and Judy, and one character who is too racy to mention here.
We then followed Jake with Mogre performing our version of the story of Cinderella. We also were part of the peanut gallery assisting Kathleen with her host duties. Prinderella went well and we got people laughing which we always strive to do.
Margaret Moody performed her piece titled turning 50 which was a great little story talking about giving her puppets some exercise.
The show closed out with Maggie Whalen with an excerpt from the Emperors New Clothes. This was a fun piece with lots of audience participation.
All in all it was a very successful night of puppetry to a sold out crowd the next show will be May 10th at 8pm hopefully we will see you at the next one. Remember to buy your tickets early.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Crazy over here
Hello everyone,
It has been a little crazy for us.
Number one I got engaged so it has been crazy planning a wedding.
Number two we have been developing some new stuff with the puppets. You can now order puppets with blinking eyes, posable finger, or both.
Number three we are working on several production type things.
In any case we will hopefully be posting more regularly again.
It has been a little crazy for us.
Number one I got engaged so it has been crazy planning a wedding.
Number two we have been developing some new stuff with the puppets. You can now order puppets with blinking eyes, posable finger, or both.
Number three we are working on several production type things.
In any case we will hopefully be posting more regularly again.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Please watch this clip these guys have taken dancing to a new level. Being a dancer myself I love to see awesome dancing. But, this goes beyond dancing these guys have elevated themselves and the artform to a new level.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
Robot puppet construction
Have you always wanted to know how to.... is an amazing site that has a plethera of info for everything. Go check it out you can even learn how to make puppets...
Friday, February 8, 2008
Improv Everywhere
I recently saw a clip on youtube of some amazing improv. The group is Improv Everywhere. They excel in large scale improv performances. My favorite by far is the performance the did at Grand Central Station in NY.
Go check them out they are doing amazing stuff.
Go check them out they are doing amazing stuff.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
New Production
We are currently working on a new comedy short skit. We have the script all done, I'm working on the scenery and puppets right now. If all goes to plan we should be able to perform this live at the next adult puppet slam in March.
We have also started working on our french accents for another possible project in the works.
We have also started working on our french accents for another possible project in the works.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Kids Expo Recap

The Kids Expo was a huge success. We were really sad to see all the puppets leave us but we feel assured that they all went to good homes. There was a nice article about the kids expo check it out here;
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Kids Expo
Kids expo this Sat Feb 2nd come early before all the puppets disappear.
Get all the info here ---->
Hope to see ya there
Get all the info here ---->
Hope to see ya there
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Avenue Q and Rick Lyon
On Sunday Stephen and Myself got to attend an amazing lecture with the people who made Avenue Q. There was lots of great information throughout the lecture talking about the process and how happy they are that it has so much popularity. I always love stories of determination, that is what Avenue Q is they kept plugging their idea and kept pushing till the did it right. The true gem though was hearing all the stuff about the puppets. Rick spoke about the design process, his goals with the characters, color schemes, the different styles of puppeteering, etc..
It was also amazing to see him put on some of the puppets and bring them to life. Rick if you don't know also worked on Sesame Street for 15 years, built and performed puppets for Crank Yankers, as well as building and performing puppets for a tony award winning Broadway show.
After the lecture a truly amazing thing happened we had the opportunity to meet Rick Lyon and have a little conversation with him one on one. It was awesome he was really nice and gave us a lot of encouragement about what we are doing. He stressed that we should perform any time we get the chance whether it be for free, $5, or whatever. He also told us it is not about who you know its who knows you. This was an amazing conversation and experience for me. I'm sure I will be floating on cloud nine for a while because of this experience.
It was also amazing to see him put on some of the puppets and bring them to life. Rick if you don't know also worked on Sesame Street for 15 years, built and performed puppets for Crank Yankers, as well as building and performing puppets for a tony award winning Broadway show.
After the lecture a truly amazing thing happened we had the opportunity to meet Rick Lyon and have a little conversation with him one on one. It was awesome he was really nice and gave us a lot of encouragement about what we are doing. He stressed that we should perform any time we get the chance whether it be for free, $5, or whatever. He also told us it is not about who you know its who knows you. This was an amazing conversation and experience for me. I'm sure I will be floating on cloud nine for a while because of this experience.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Performance review of slams
We had yet another busy weekend doing some live performances. Friday we went down to the Perishable Theater and performed Prinderella for everyone. But, were really happy to see all the other performers. We saw an amazing dancing peacock by Carole Simms D'agostino. Two performances by Sarah Frechette's marionettes, Seamos(who looked a lot like Evan O' Television) Emmy and Kirk performed War bride for everyone, and an amazing video piece as well.
Saturday we went to the Brookline Puppet Showplace for yet another amazing night of puppetry. We performed The Puppet Duel and everyone truly enjoyed it. We also loved seeing everyone's performances. Evan was there as well do his piece on the writers strike. Sarah performed with wally and Did an amazing shadow piece titled haunted projectile with the carrionettes. Paul Vincent Davis did his piece Battle of the Sexes. Julio Robles performed with his puppet Freddy. Puppet Jake was there with a wild tale about alternagirl. Dan Butterworth performed his new shadow piece. Z and Chad did there great toy theater puppet show about the history of jello. Emmy and Kirk performed once again as well as Carole's dancing peacock. There was so much to take in what a night. The place was sold out and everyone got one hell of a show for there buck. Next puppet slam is in March stay tuned for more info.
Saturday we went to the Brookline Puppet Showplace for yet another amazing night of puppetry. We performed The Puppet Duel and everyone truly enjoyed it. We also loved seeing everyone's performances. Evan was there as well do his piece on the writers strike. Sarah performed with wally and Did an amazing shadow piece titled haunted projectile with the carrionettes. Paul Vincent Davis did his piece Battle of the Sexes. Julio Robles performed with his puppet Freddy. Puppet Jake was there with a wild tale about alternagirl. Dan Butterworth performed his new shadow piece. Z and Chad did there great toy theater puppet show about the history of jello. Emmy and Kirk performed once again as well as Carole's dancing peacock. There was so much to take in what a night. The place was sold out and everyone got one hell of a show for there buck. Next puppet slam is in March stay tuned for more info.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
audience participation
Anita at has written this great article about audience participation
read it here:
Also if you are in the general area of Boston check out some live performance from us at
The BFaT show in Providence Jan 18th 10pm
or the Brookline Puppet Showplace Theater Jan 19th 8Pm
we will be doing different stuff both days so feel to come to both if you want.
read it here:
Also if you are in the general area of Boston check out some live performance from us at
The BFaT show in Providence Jan 18th 10pm
or the Brookline Puppet Showplace Theater Jan 19th 8Pm
we will be doing different stuff both days so feel to come to both if you want.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Busy and productive weekend
Stephen and myself were very busy this weekend. We worked very hard on making puppets this weekend and I'm very pleased with all the puppets we made.
Stephen installed and setup our puppet piece at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston. It Looks great and will be on display till the end of the month.
We also attended our Boston Area Guild of Puppetry meeting or otherwise known as BAGOP on Sunday it was nice. The discussion was on quick and easy stages. Some of the highlights were Paul's hat stage, shadow box carry case, and a really cool toy theater with a 3-d cutout scenery. There was a show and tell section with some beautiful puppets, we showed off our very own Mogre the Ogre. There was some discussion of the day of puppetry coming up and the regional festival at maryland. I guess all the info on that is at or so we were told over and over again.
Coming up very Soon BFaT at Providence Jan 18th 10 pm, Brookline puppet slam Jan 19th 8pm, and the kids expo in Worcester.
Stephen installed and setup our puppet piece at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston. It Looks great and will be on display till the end of the month.
We also attended our Boston Area Guild of Puppetry meeting or otherwise known as BAGOP on Sunday it was nice. The discussion was on quick and easy stages. Some of the highlights were Paul's hat stage, shadow box carry case, and a really cool toy theater with a 3-d cutout scenery. There was a show and tell section with some beautiful puppets, we showed off our very own Mogre the Ogre. There was some discussion of the day of puppetry coming up and the regional festival at maryland. I guess all the info on that is at or so we were told over and over again.
Coming up very Soon BFaT at Providence Jan 18th 10 pm, Brookline puppet slam Jan 19th 8pm, and the kids expo in Worcester.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
work work work
Expect to see a bunch of new photos soon. We will be building puppets this weekend and finishing several of them. Robot, monsters, and aliens oh my!!!
We are going to take some photos in the process to help future generations of puppet builders.
We are going to take some photos in the process to help future generations of puppet builders.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
We have been doing a lot of Improv and working hard at it and I thought I would share some of this info with everyone.
Here is another gem
I like rule number 20 on this one
And last but not least here is a plethora of info
I hope you enjoy these
Here is another gem
I like rule number 20 on this one
And last but not least here is a plethora of info
I hope you enjoy these
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
One busy month
Hey everyone,
So I wanted to post and let everyone know that it is one busy month here. But, don't worry that is a good thing. Currently we have a piece in an art gallery at the Museum School of Fine Arts. We will be performing at the brookline puppet showplace theater on Jan 19th. Last but not least we will be at the first annual kids expo in Worcester on Feb 2nd. For lots of the month we will be prepping and performing and enjoying being puppeteers. We will try and keep everyone up to date with what is going on.
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