Have you always wanted a baby monster of your own?
Well, now is your chance! For just $10 a ticket you can get a chance to WIN a baby monster of your own in the color of your choice.
This is an amazing opprotunity for two reasons.
1.Your money will go to the National Puppetry Conference Alumni Scholarship fund. This money will then allow the amazing art form of puppetry to continue to grow for people who may not have the funds to go to the National Puppetry Conference.
2.You get a chance to win a BABY MONSTER!!
We have also added an extra incentive to try and help raise money. We will only be selling 100 tickets for each baby monster build.
What does that mean for you?
Well if you buy 100 tickets. Then you win!
If you buy 50 tickets. Then you have a 50% chance of winning.
If you buy 10 tickets. Then you have a 10% chance of winning.
So, the more you buy the better chance you have to win.
If you are interested in getting tickets here is how you do it.
Please make checks payable to: "Flock Theater"
Please note on face of check: Alumni Scholarship
Mail a check to:
Jon Little
42 Metcalf St. #1
Medford, MA 02155
For each $10 increment you donate there will be a ticket with your name on it. Once we hit 100 tickets we will pull out a name and Little's Creatures will contact the winner for what color they would like their puppet to be.
In case you are unfamiliar with the Baby Monsters. Check out the video below.